Leading printing press roller manufacturer and refinisher
Leading printing press roller manufacturer and refinisher, with an exclusive well known brand.
Shipping heavy, sensitive printer rollers susceptible to damage and the incidence of “flat spots” which affect print quality, our client wrapped each roller in bubble wrap before placing it into an outer box for storage or shipment.
The bubble wrap left marks on the rollers if put into storage for too long and did not reflect the quality of the brand. It also proved difficult for the end user to dispose of the packaging responsibly.
Working around samples provided by our client, we used SolidWorks 3D CAD software to design protective corrugate end supports which held the rollers centrally in the box, eliminating damage and the incidence of flat spotting. Our software and CAD table capabilities allowed us to produce an optimal design quickly and efficiently, in 100% recyclable materials.
The new solution not only offered great protection with the minimum of packaging, it also removed hundreds of meters of plastic bubble wrap from their packing operation. The new solution reflects the quality of the customer brand and their commitment to quality.